- Technology
- Machine Learning
Palladium Hotel Group asked us to «recommend a digital media mix that was consistent with their off-line eforts». Increasing brand awareness in the U.S. and Canada while driving sales was an important consideration. Palladium Hotel Group also wanted to implement prediction modeling, which required that our media execution built a solid audience base.
Technology tech stack
t2ó implemented a technology tech stack that allowed us to track, tag and measure all digital an online efforts. We activated several scpecialized vendors, tested each one of them against our KPIs and proceedded to effectively iterate and boost the best performers.

Making use of AI
Our data science team implemented an AI generated deep audience list executed programmatically, and running in tandem with a Machine Learning algorithm that allowed us to predict sales with a high degree of statistical confidence.
A 3-phase
process and
a lot of hard
Testing and understanding each vendor was both time consuming and costly, but well worth it. The technology environment imlemented allowed us to gather valuable data from the audiences targeted. Our test and learn approach also provided with vast amounts of data-driven insights from our specialized vendors that informed our optimization efforts and ultimately translated into solid business results.

“In t2ó we found a partner that provides that flexibility I mentioned earlier. From the beginning we proposed and agreed on a completely scalable technological environment on which to build our campaigns and develop our strategy; but an environment that we do not feel prisoners of and that we believe we can migrate to other solutions if the current ones are no longer the best for our needs at any given time, as t2ó's approach is very result-oriented and pragmatic.
On the human side we find a team that, both at a technical level and at an account monitoring level, is highly competent; we are very happy with the team. It is also a very stable group, which is something that advertisers appreciate, because in the end the accounts are kept by people.”
Rafel RubíE-commerce Director
Vendors tested
Prediction rate with ML
Increase in YoY sales
About t2ó
t2ó is a full digital solutions agency with offices in the United States, Mexico, Spain and Italy.
We help brands connect with their audiences, increase their sales and build customer loyalty.
Looking forward
More than 15 years running integrated digital marketing solutions powered by people who care your business 3 pillars to grow our clients: Business, Technology & Activation Audience-centric approach to accelerating growth,our digital solutions work together within our performance planning framework, Connect-Convert-Grow to ensure that you can always keep up and increase users lifetime value.